Wednesday, October 30, 2019

Information system Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Information system - Essay Example These products are obtained through the food products manufactures. Fine Food Company finishes and packages these products for resale. This research is based on the detailed analysis of the new technology support implementation at the different business divisions of the Fine Food Company. Here I will present the detailed analytical and technological analysis of the new business and information technology based systems implementation at Fine Food Company. This report will be composed of the different analysis regarding assessment of the feasibility of the new information technology implementation. This will also specify the some of the leading technology solutions for the business setup. The business of the Fine Food Company has obtained a steady growth in the business and organizational structure and offered a better business handling and operational support for the all departments. Despite of extensive enhancements the currently operational paper based working structure; the performance of the business is still lacking high performance. This makes the overall working structure less effective. The management of the business desired to implement a new technology based structure that offers the business enhanced performance and working capability. FFC management desired to implement the new information technology at four main departments or these are listed below: The main strength of the new technology based system implementation. This new technology based structure will standardise the overall business operations and management handling. These systems will automate the overall business operations and will offer the easy handling of business data recording and effective management. The main weakness behind this technology implementation is need for the effective human resource regarding the implementation of the new technology based platform. This will require the extensive investment in all areas. These can be human

Monday, October 28, 2019

Motivated by applications Essay Example for Free

Motivated by applications Essay Until the last century, mathematics was always motivated by applications (Kline, 1973: iv); it took humanity an enormous time span to reach the abstraction capacity necessary to become interested in ‘pure’ mathematics. It follows that children take some time to reach the necessary mental maturity to deal with the formalism and type of thinking involved in abstracts and mathematics. It is interesting to note that in many countries, 21 (the end of this 7-year period) is the age for a young person to become legally responsible. It is a recognition, that only at this age are all human capacities fully available, and the individual is able to control and be totally responsible for his or her actions (Steiner, 1982; Talbot, 1995 and Bronfenbrenner, 1995). In conclusion, this paper supported my aim to prove that the extensive implementation of computers in pre-high school education is having a detrimental effect on the development of children. The first argument I presented to support my aim is that computer technology is ecological and like all technology may have long reaching effects on children’s emotional, psychological, spiritual, moral and social sensibilities. Fostering a mechanical, rational view of social relationships. Secondly, I argued that a computer is a tool, and to be effective it is necessary children understand what it is and how it works. Just as a childs physical development is stunted when muscles are not exercised, the development of disciplined thinking is stunted when the computer relieves the child of the responsibility for planning and organizing his/her thoughts before expressing them. It should be kept in mind that tools designed to aid the mature mind may hinder the maturation of the developing mind. Thirdly, I supported my aim by arguing that computers work with an extremely restricted class of children’s thoughts. It was demonstrated that early computer use and an emphasis on computer like thinking, is leading childrens development to be dominated by the rigid, logical, algorithmic thinking, that is characteristic of computer interaction. This accelerated, but isolated intellectual development, brings a childs mental abilities to an adult level long before they have grown strong enough to restrain it and give it humane direction. The fourth argument presented to support my aim was, that how computers are used in education is detrimental to children’s development. Children need time for active, physical play; hands-on lessons of all kinds, especially in the arts; and direct experience of the natural world. The prevalent emphasis on technology is diverting us from the urgent social and liberal educational needs of children. A proper education requires attention to students from good teachers and active parents. It requires commitment to developmentally appropriate education and attention to the full range of childrens needs; physical, emotional, and social, as well as cognitive. Finally and most importantly I demonstrated that developmental stages in children are not compatible with computer use. Combining Steiner, Bloom and Krathwohl developmental concepts with the fact that computers are mathematical tools, forcing a purely abstract and mathematical type of thinking as well as use of symbolic formal language. Applying these concepts and properties of computers to proper educational goals we may surmise that they are unsuitable for extensive use by children in any form before approximately age 15, or high school. Convincing arguments have been presented to prove the extensive implementation of computers in pre-high school education is having a detrimental effect on the development of children. Bibliography: Bloom, B. and D. Krathwohl. Taxonomy of Educational Objectives: Handbook 1: The Cognitive Domain. New York: McKay, 1956. Bronfenbrenner, U. Developmental Ecology Through Time and Space: A Future Perspective in Examining Lives in Context: Perspectives on the Ecology of Human Development, (Moen, Elder and Luscher [Ed.]). Washington: American Psychology Association, 1995. Bowers, C. A. The Cultural Dimensions of Educational Computing Understanding the Non-neutrality of Technology. New York: Teachers College Press, 1988 Coon, D. Essentials of Psychology: Exploration and Application (8th edition). USA: Wadsworth/Thomson Learning, 1999 Craig, G. , M. Kermis and N. Digdon. Children Today (2nd edition). Toronto: Prentice Hall. 2001 Kline, M. Why Johnny Cant Add the Failure of New Math. New York: St. Martins, 1973.

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Kepler :: essays research papers

Kepler   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  As far as people who are well versed in just about every aspect of life, Johannes Kepler was one of the great few. Unlike many of the great thinkers of his era, he was not skeptical about writing down his findings in his correspondence and, in turn getting them published so he would receive full credit for his ideas. At the time of Kepler there were no scientific journals that he could post his findings on. His work in developing the Planetary Laws of Motion supercede all findings in celestial mechanics. This is not to mention that the man is credited with originating the word satellite as well as several firsts in the field of optics.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Johannes Kepler was born in Weil der Stadt, Wuttenberg on the 27th of December 1571. Wurttenberg was then part of the Holy Roman Empire, but now its borders lie in present day Germany. He died November 15th, 1630 in Regensburg which also currently lies in Germany. Kepler was the first child born to a mercenary soldier and the daughter of an innkeeper.# The very same inn that Johannes stayed for much of his childhood after the age of five when his father left the family to fight in the Netherlands. Kepler’s early work at a nearby seminary got him enough recognition to honor a scholarship to the University of Tubingen.1 It was there that he was first introduced to the ideas of Copernicus, which he seemed to take a strong liking to right away. In one of his first published works while earning his way as a Mathematics teacher in Graz he was the first to defend Copernicus and his Copernican system. The theory that the planets revolve around the sun not the Earth was still being refuted by some of the more prominent thinkers of the time. His school was undoubtedly Lutheran, which also was the religion of his family so the connection was strong. He held fast to the Augsburg Confession of Lutheranism, but refused to sign the Formula of Concord because of his disagreement with some of the values listed in it.# This did not sit well with those in authority and Kepler was excluded from the sacrament in the Lutheran Church. He also refused to convert to Catholicism during this time which left him no side to take in the Thirty-Years War. This did not deter him from his faith and belief in God.

Thursday, October 24, 2019

Physical Privacy Rights in the Workplace

Physical Privacy rights in the workplace As soon as you raise your right hand in the Military you lose many rights. Just to name a few; the right to wear your hair long; grow a beard and or a full mustache; the right to attend a political rally; the right to express your first amendment rights, and many others. There are some I agree with and some I don’t; never the less I support the military’s general reasoning. I support the right to privacy, and the military in most cases try to comply with the privacy of individuals. One is drug testing. We are human and I understand that some folks have weaker will than others.I have witnessed good men and women in the military lose their careers over the use of drugs. I agree with drug testing and everyone in the military should be drug free. There are many factors in my reasoning. There is espionage. Some may do anything for drugs; even give up their Government’s secrets. Safety is another factor; weather they work with w eapons or machines the risk level is much higher with someone who is impaired. On another note I believe in the privacy of an individual that tests positive for drugs. The word always seems to get out to others.I agree that we can say to other Soldiers that an individual tested positive and will be dealt with legally, as a deterrent for others. But to have everyone know who the individual was and what drug they tested positive for is just wrong. In the past they use to ask what medications are you currently taking? That is a private matter of the individual. If the Soldier tests positive for a controlled substance that happens to be prescribed medication, all the Soldier needs to do is provide proof. Now they do not ask that question anymore. So they have yielded to the right of privacy in that perspective.They still need to work on the privacy for the ones that come up positive. There are many ongoing issues that spark controversy from time to time. Another is tattoos and body pier cing. Now day’s tattoos and body piercing are more common then when I was growing up, especially with today’s youth. For them it’s like a sign of maturity. Even so that the Army and other Armed Forces have relaxed their entrance requirements and allow tattoos on forearms, necks, and legs. However, the Army will still not accept any gang related, or racist tattoos. If a Soldier is caught with any of these tattoos they will be discharged from the military.Body piercing also is prohibited. I see more new Soldiers with tattoos then I ever seen in my career. What does this do to us old timers? It makes us think that the old known â€Å"good order and discipline† is slowly fading. I see young male Soldiers with earring holes in their ears. I even caught a young Soldier wearing an earring on duty. I told him he had five seconds to take it off or else†¦ He complied. I believe that this is today’s norm, but is society slowly slipping too far? How about going to a lawyer’s office and seeing a lawyer with an earring and tattoo on his neck? I’ve seen lawyers with earrings before.But how professional is this? I personally would not like to be represented by someone like that. A judge may discriminate and it may cause someone to lose a case. Other issues are perception. Looking at someone with multiple tattoos may give people a bad first impression on an individual. These young Soldiers will someday leave the Army and look for a job. The tattoos may cause them a job. They can be highly qualified, but they are still subject to discrimination. When I see a young Soldier saying that he or she is going to get a tattoo, I tell them to think about it real well. Think of how it may affect their future.

Wednesday, October 23, 2019

Soft Skill

Soft Skills That Is Important For University Students. Introduction. â€Å"Soft skills refer to the cluster of personality traits social graces, facility with language, personal habit, friendliness and optimism that mark people to verifying degrees. Soft skills complement hard skills, which are the requirement of job† (Wikipedia, 2007). Communicating, conflict management, human relations, making presentations, negotiating, team building and other such ability defined in terms of expected outcomes and not as a specific method or technique such as statistical analysis.Soft skills have its own dimension and it is based on one`s perceptual attitude. Mostly how he or she shows interest in things around him or her and reacts to that. No premature thoughts should occupy the mind and it should be flow freely from the cognitive reactions. This is a given from God. Course on human relations and dealing effectively with subordinate’s are often included. The soft skills might inclu de maintain eye contact when speaking with the people. Soft skills can`t really be taught as a course on its own. One picks up leaderships qualities.Soft skills have more to do with who we are than what we know. As such, soft skills encompass the character traits that decide how well one interacts with others, and are usually a definite part of one's personality. Whereas hard skills can be learned and perfected over time, soft skills are more difficult to acquire and change. Soft skills often relates to the abilities such as communication, team work and leadership skill. What I would typically include as parts of the soft skills package include good manners as well as a positive and pleasant disposition.Many students, who are not aware of the importance of leadership skills in his career, would prefer to be the â€Å"followers† when getting involved in co-curricular activities both in and out of school. Some are natural leaders, some are not, and they don`t know â€Å"the ho w†, perhaps â€Å"lacks of confidence† to lead, or could be due to â€Å"lack of interests† in giving ideas and brainstorming activities. However, if the students must do a practical assignment that will determine his marks, that will also test his leaderships, human interaction skills, then the students will be more â€Å"alert† of the importance of â€Å"soft skills†.Soft skills can be taught and learnt as well. However, at the end of the day it is the student who decides whether he/she will practice what was preached. The lack of soft skills in student in Malaysia is due to a combination of factors. What is more difficult is some of these factors are bigger for some students. It does start with our education system that make pitiful attempt to address the issue. What is difficult about soft skills is that it developing it work differently for different people and hence a mas-education system is ill-suited to address the worst of the problem.Examp le of the soft skills that’s important for university student. There are three examples of the soft skills: 1. Communication skills The first important soft skills is, good in communication skills. Effective of communication skills can be some of the most important skills we can learn. Communication is involvers both listening and speaking. The person in a good communication must have an open mind and idea to make people like to easy to understand. Influence a negotiating skill.Good negotiating skills are inherent these skills must be learned and practice in a verity situation. Listen carefully to the arguments and clarify the issue and also plan for the alternative outcome. Good communication skills. Good communication skills are having effective communication and communication will certainly increase the opportunities to find in a university. The communication skills may include body language. Do not shy away from the person whom you are speaking.Be sure to maintain a relax ed, but not slouching posture, regardless whether you are on speaking or listening. Make an eye contact and be aware what your body is saying. Body language can says so much more than a mouthful of words, and open stance with arm relaxed at your sides tells everyone around you that you are approachable and open to hear what they have to say. Communication is successful only when both the sender and receiver understand the same information. â€Å"Good communication skills are what separate the distinguished, from the good, from the indifferent teacher.The distinguished teacher delivers the message with enthusiasm, ensures that it is understood, and has it remembered; the good teacher delivers the message with enthusiasm and ensures that it is understood; while the indifferent teacher merely delivers the message† (Zemke R, Raines C, Filipcak B, 2000) 2. Critical thinking The second important soft skills are the good critical thinking. For the university student, it`s required e vidence and follow the evidence leads. Critical thinking is more concern with finding and explanation that being apparent confusion and asking question. It also makes people understand logical connection.Critical thinking should not be confused with being argument. â€Å"This research has direct implications for undergraduates and curriculum builders in tertiary education. The study sets out to discover respondents’ perceptions of their own abilities in critical thinking strategies and their perceptions on the importance of these strategies in their future employments† (Shah, N. Z. 2007). 3. Good listening skills The third important in soft skills is good listening skills. When you are really listening, you demonstrate your interest in what being said and you show your respect for the individual saying it.Leaderships skills. Leader want teams to get better, but often don`t set specific goal annual improvement. Listening is an essential part of communication and it is d ifferent from hearing. Being a good and patient listener helps not only solve many problems at university or home, but also to see the world through the eyes of others, thereby opening understanding and enhancing the capacity for empathy. How to be a good listener? Place yourself in the other person`s shoes. It is often too easy to wonder about how what the other persons is telling you is impacting you. Active listening is not about inward thinking.Instead you must look at the problem from the other person`s perspective and effectively try to see his or her point of view. Stop talking and try to be silent. Likewise, many think that empathy means sharing with the listener similar experiences that the listener has had. Both can be helpful, put a side your own needs and went for the other person to talk at their own pace. Remove distractions. Good listener means willing to turn off the television, close the door or stop reading the mail. Give the speaker your full attention and let the m know they are getting your full attention.Give no sign you are ready to respond during conversation, wait 2 seconds after the person finish speaking to make sure they have finished their thought. Watch your own emotions. If what they are saying creates an emotional response in you, be extra carefully, with attention to the intent and full meaning of their words. Make a comments, answered questions. When their stop or pauses, you can be a good listener by making comments. When people are angry, they usually want to be heard and understood. What they don`t want in return in critism, patronizing comment, denial of their feelings or attacks on their position or personality.One of the reasons why some university are not well in good listener is because they do not listen. Listening skills start with paying attention. Not interested to hear other people problems. People who just keep on blabbing or practice take listening are thinking I’m smarter then you and I know what you`re g oing to tell me, so let make this really efficient for both of them. I won`t have to listen and we can get to really important part of the conversation, that`s why some student are become a bad listener. â€Å"This study aimed to assess whether effective listening was associated with leadership emergence in a small group situation.Findings showed that these two attributes where positively related suggesting that emergent leaders may possess good listening skills† (Johnson S. D. and Belcher C. ). Why soft skill is so importance. The soft skills are importance for the university student is easy to understand the subject. A student must develop specific generic skills like reading, writing, speaking, listening and presentation positive attitude, etiquette and manners. They must learn to manage themselves understand their strengths and weakness. With the soft skill student and tutor are close and easy to communicate and take an explanation.Many fields are becoming ever increasing ly competitive. Clearing a job interview requires much more then academic and an impressive resume. Many a times we come across people who fail to make to the top in spite processing the best of technical knowledge. Soft skill are shaping human being`s personality. The people who are good in soft skills like a role model to the colleagues. They were like to share and close to this person. Soft skills are qualities like making a friend easily, being punctual or being able to both hard. Reduce gap between tutor and student.A tutor helping students to improves their soft skills. Soft skills in that sense are just technical skills. We need to practice them to keep them sharp. Demonstrate effective classroom leadership skills, communicate professionally with student and provide opportunities’ for them to improve in areas they work. It truly is a win-win for both tutor and student. Soft skill can make them to be leaderships. Being equipped with leadership skills allow you to be gro omed for bigger roles in times to come. In the present role, you could be seen as an employee with potential and be given more importance task to perform. There is persuasive evidence that cooperative teams achieve at higher levels of thought and retain information longer than students who work quietly as individuals. The shared learning gives students an opportunity to engage in discussion, take responsibility for their own learning, and thus become critical thinkers† (Totten, Sills, Digby, & Russ, 1991). Why some university students are not well equipped in soft skill. Why communication skills are not well equipped in soft skill is because some of students write well, but they are not able to express themselves orally.They are not confidence on communication in English and very limited vocabulary. While conversing in English with someone give importance to the massage and do not be occupied with grammatical accuracy. If they are much worried about grammar and pronunciations errors, they will not develop fluency kill the language without fear. Some people are comfortable speaking among themselves and do not compare with other people. No one was born with all the language skills required for effective communication. They must confident and trust themselves that they can do it. This is in fact the first and foremost primary step to being good communicator.Given here are some of the barriers that occur in communicating effectively. Understanding these barriers will help one comprehend examples of communicating skills. Some are having problems with their body language and difficult to maintain eye contact whenever you are in conversation with someone, keep the majority of your focus on the other person. If have a difficulty knowing exactly how to make eye contact, you can benefit from practicing in front of the mirror or with other person. But if eye contact and body language is been your bad habit to share intently into the eyes of people without looking a way.You have been making your conversation partners very uncomfortable. The fact is that one needs to constantly work towards developing effective communication skills. And primarily they need to overcome the barriers to effective communication. And this can be done when they are aware of the barriers and shortcomings. Critical thinking skills give students the ability to not only understand what they have read or been shown but also to build upon that knowledge without incremental guidance. Critical thinking teaches students that knowledge is fluid and builds upon itself.It is not simply rote memorization or the ability to absorb lessons unquestioningly. Critical thinking is thinking that assesses itself. To the extent that students need us to tell them how well they are doing, they are not thinking critically. Didactic instruction makes students overly dependent on the tutor. Because of the importance of self-assessment to critical thinking, it is important to bring it into the st ructural design of the course and not just leave it to episodic tactics. Virtually every day, for example, students should be giving (to other students) and receiving (from other students) feedback on the quality of their work.They should be regularly using intellectual standards in an explicit way. This should be designed into instruction as a regular feature of it. Why team working skill also not equipped in university is because conversations can be misconstrued and others in a team may slack off more than expected. Some leave things to the last minute and don't make proper use of team members when not meeting face to face. Explain their own ideas. All the group members agree on what needs to be done and by whom and able to give their own ideas by sharing with the team member.The problem will solve by helping from group discussion. Some people don’t have internet at home so can’t communicate very well when have to do assignments. Some students do not wish to coopera te and not everyone has an internet connection of the same speed and the same level of access making it not so desirable for use or collaboration on what it seems to be designed for. Teamwork is defined in Webster's New World Dictionary as â€Å"a joint action by a group of people, in which each person subordinates his or her individual interests and opinions to the unity and efficiency of the group. This does not mean that the individual is no longer important; however, it does mean that effective and efficient teamwork goes beyond individual accomplishments. The most effective teamwork is produced when all the individuals involved harmonize their contributions and work towards a common goal. Express their feeling. Good team member also have a sense of humour and know how to have fun. Listen carefully to others. There is a time and a time to listen and the time to listen come twice as often find us so concerned about what they here to say.While providing and requesting feedback is vital to team success, most avoid doing so because it feels uncomfortable or embarrassing. However, successful companies capitalize on the opportunity to examine those contributions that will make the team more effective, by creating a culture of conversation. Why some university students are not well with the teamwork skill is because some of the student is not confident by themselves and some of student impresses their self-negative feedback without being too offended to continue.Also some of the attitude of student is poor, and there are not professional in applying soft skills in their life as a student. Suggestion. I suggest that for future graduates, and government bodies is to improve their teaching about soft skills. Opinion expressed by the student indicate that the team project helps to improves their communication and negotiation skills among the student to developed soft skills based on formal and informal activities at the university level. And their also have to activ e in the seminar and conference to make the soft skills is more effective.Tutor also should show their soft skills to the student to be role model to them. I also like to purpose for university and others were most impressed by the ability of our graduates to adapt themselves to any work situation, their ability to communicate clearly, their ability to solve problems, to work in groups and to contribute effectively and meaningfully to their work situations. In addition to the knowledge gained by students in their course of study, equally important is the University’s role in producing innovators.Those with whom we consulted spoke of the greater opportunities afforded to students who have opportunities to participate in research. A connection needs to be made between work experiences, appropriate work behaviour, and student learning. Work-based learning offers young people meaningful hands-on learning opportunities by connecting classroom learning with work experience. This ki nd of learning opportunity can help a young person make better career decisions, select more appropriate courses of study, and develop job skills relevant to future employment.Conclusion. A carefully designed and well planned education system is critical to developing such human capital. Thus, institutions of higher learning play a very important role in producing human capital that is highly knowledgeable and skilful and can meet the demands and expectations of society. The teaching and learning processes in institutions of higher learning must be capable in providing such knowledge and skills to future graduates. Most university students spend half of their academic life living in university residences on campus.As such, institutions of higher learning should use this golden opportunity to develop their soft skills. And we must do all these things in collaboration with government, the community, other institutions and the world at large. The University must continue to pursue new partnerships to ensure that our students have the exposure and opportunities they need to succeed. Reference. Johnson S. D. and Belcher C. , Small Group Research, 29 (4), Pages 452-471, August 1998, IDS 108DU, ISSN 1046-4964 Shah, N. Z. (2007).Final year students’ perceptions on their critical thinking strategies and the importance of these strategies in future employment. Retrieved September 23, 2009, from http://h08. cgpublisher. com/proposals/65/index_html Totten, S. , Sills, T. , Digby, A. , & Russ, P. (1991). Cooperative learning: A guide to research. New York: Garland. Zemke R, Raines C, Filipcak B. Generations at Work: Managing the Clash of Veterans, Boomers, Xers, and Nexters in your Workplace. New York: AMACOM, 2000. http://www. ndt-ed. org/TeachingResources/ClassroomTips/Teamwork. htm