Wednesday, November 27, 2019
Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity
Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity What is Hellenization? Hellenization is a term that is commonly used in describing the spread of the culture of the ancient Greeks as well as, to a smaller degree, the Greek language in particular. This issue includes the indication of the rate at which the culture spread was the highest among all the foreign nations conquered by Greece or within its sphere of influence.Advertising We will write a custom report sample on Hellenization and Its Affects on the birth and spread of Christianity specifically for you for only $16.05 $11/page Learn More It is worth noting that Alexander the Great is the historical figure who can be largely linked to the spread of Hellenization. His contribution to the development and promotion of the Greek culture and language is done through his conquests of the new lands and other cultures, thus enabling the spread of Hellenization within the period of his life, which was the fourth century BC (Eraman 34). The whole concept of thi s is what has been referred to as Hellenism, a study of ancient Greece, in modern days. In what ways do you think it might have affected the birth and spread of Christianity? As it is evident from most of the scholarly articles studying and examining Greek philosophy, Hellenism was a cultural force that significantly affected many lands and countries within the Mediterranean region. Furthermore, basing on the fact that Christianity arose, developed and received a wide spread in the countries along the Mediterranean area, there are a lot of reasons to believe that Hellenism contributed much to its growth and consequent spread. In his book, Brief Introduction to the New Testament, Bart Ehrman (45) argues that the majority of the early Christians insisted on borrowing some ideas from the Greek cultural world as well as church terms are derived from the Greek language. The factors that made the early Christians address to the Greek culture and language may be explained in the following way. In order to help the first missionaries communicate and spread the gospel to those who surround them, they decided to use the language that would be understood by a wide majority of people who may be viewed as a future congregation of a new developing religion. Moreover, to attract more church members, the early Christians used to implement some views and ideas of Greek culture to their propagation. Thus, they made the alien religion become closer and more understandable to the people with the Greek influenced vision of life. As such, Hellenistic ideologies gradually infiltrated into the Christian setting. As a matter of fact, Bart Erman argues that the outstanding and well-known Greek philosophers, such as Plato, Aristotle, as well as some others, greatly influenced on as well as remarkably contributed to the development of the ideologies that are represented in the New Testament (78). Ehrman, Bart. A Brief Introduction to the New Testament. Oxford: Oxford University Press. 2 009. Print.Advertising Looking for report on religion theology? Let's see if we can help you! Get your first paper with 15% OFF Learn More
Saturday, November 23, 2019
Rank of Four Countries by Various Democracy Rankings
Rank of Four Countries by Various Democracy Rankings to cover independent countries with population greater than 100,000. Vanhanen believes that the reason for the thirst for power is to get hold of the resources, increase in the power the people posses simplifies their access to scarce resources. Vanhanen democracy ranking offers an unconventional interpretation of democracy and autocracy. Autocracy is considered as the state where concentration of resources is higher in a single group. Democracy is achieved in situations where distribution of resources is among different groups. The conditions favorable for democracy are those which the spread of resources is broad and no individual group is neither able to retain its hold of the available resources over a long time nor is it able suppress the competitors. Variables indicating democratization level include competition (C) and participation (P). Competition and participation measures are combined into the democratization index through the use of the formula ID= (PC)/100. This formula is applicable in most countries independent of the civilization, economic, cultural, and geographic among other features that may be subordinate to the logic of evolution in political studies. Threshold qualifications for democracy are 10% for P, 30% for C, and 5% for the ID. (Melville et al, 2011). The human development index meets the wide concept of developments of the society and economy. From another perspective, although sometimes questioned the human development index is used as an indications of democracy. It is agreeable to say that the human development index offers the capability representing a greater measure of democracy. Although it is realized that the human development index considers life expectancy, GDP and other factors but fails to accommodate political structures. Democracy and political systems are correlated with democracy ranking placing great emphasis on the position of political structures on democracy In most cases a number of factors affect the democratic ranking of a country and they are politics 50%, gender 10%, economy 10%, knowledge 10% and health 10%(Campbell, 2008). According to polity project ranking the France system has a democracy of -8. This is because France in the recent years has witnessed political trends that have had the consequences of the country being downgraded and considered a flawed democracy state. Participation of public in politics has reduced and this has led to declined confidence of the public in political parties. With the nature of the French political system the president possesses great power and this is indicting a threatened democratic tradition. The current president, Nicholas Sarkozy uses an autocratic style, and this has seen the rise in anti-Muslim feelings and increased pressure on the media and journalist which has seen a decrease in the freedoms of the media (Liotier, 2011). Political parties are relatively few in France, workers unions are weak and the police system t is constantly accused with increased brutality the France government is highly undemocratic (Petzinger, 2011). With the justifications provided thereafter, the ranking of the United Kingdom using Dahls polyarchy measure is 5. Gender equity was already attained in the United Kingdom in the year 1928.The United Kingdom is believed to hold the reputation of being the mother of all parliaments but its system has complications that are mainly centered in key three areas. The ranking of the United Kingdom is downgraded by the fact that majority of its representation in parliament is distorted in that the actual seats in parliament is not solely determined by the votes. Other factors that reduce the ranking of democracy are; a media that mostly favors the interests of the private sector and the trust in the police force that is constantly declining (Petzinger, 2011). Basing on the Vanhanen index of democracy, Germany ranks at 10% in the ID. Germany accounts its high ranking in the democratic ranking to the comparatively large number of parliamentarians who are women and an impeccable separation between the arms of government that is the executive, the legislature and the judiciary with Bavaria being the most developed state. In most federal states a participation quorum of approximately 25% exists in any local referendum (Petzinger, 2011). Because of the suppressed political opposition and rights of the public, Russia ranks at 3 according to Dahls polyarchy measure. The trend in Russia system of government is that of unfair elections, intolerance of political oppositions, and courts that are characterized by high dependence. Currently Russia works on bribes and the opposition is literally invisible to the public, they cannot be allowed on television. Though there are constant demonstrations favoring democracy, they are largely ignored and authoritarian form of government presided over by Vladimir Putin is the order of the day (Lally Englund 2011). Out of the four democracy rankings considered in this essay, none of them is adequate enough to be satisfactory in the ranking of democracy. It is also noted that none of the democracy ranking measures includes (economic democracy) face four of Sodaros 4 faces which are: popular sovereignty, rights and liberties, democratic values, and economic democracy (Campbell, 2008). A number of factors have been found to contribute to democracy and as such must be included in the elements that are considered in the measure of democracy.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Skills Applicatio Questions Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Skills Applicatio Questions - Essay Example In this scenario, the common goal was to design an effective power-point presentation that contains pertinent details on conflict negotiation techniques. Since each team is comprised of three members each, the team is expected to delegate the team leader and the respective team members together with tasks to be assigned and achieved. One was therefore elected the group leader and part of one’s responsibilities was to solicit information regarding tasks that each member needs to fulfill. One member was assigned to make the necessary research on all pertinent details that need to be incorporated in the presentation. The other member was supposed to integrate all information in a power point presentation. And finally, a group leader, one was tasked to report during the scheduled presentation date. Aside from assigning tasks, one made it clear that in a defined time frame, say in three days, the information should be ready so that the other member could finalize the power point pr esentation in two days’ time. Enough leeway was provided for me, as the leader and reporter, to review the materials and present effectively. The presentation was therefore a success due to clear objectives, roles, responsibilities and conformity to defined time frame. 2. Significant Achievement. Outside of your academic accomplishments, what would you consider to be one of your most significant achievements to date and why? Outside one’s academic accomplishments, one of the most significant achievements to date was being successful in current and previous work endeavors. Having had employment opportunities that ranged from being an Arabic teacher, to assuming the position of an assistant marketing manager for an organization in the UK, and finally working as a cashier, provided various chances for personal and professional growth. A variety of skills were likewise developed through the course of employment, such as interpersonal, cognitive and analytical, coaching and mentoring, leadership and administrative, communication and customer service relations skills. One acknowledges that working in the UK as an assistant manager was most challenging; yet rewarding, in terms of enhancing knowledge, abilities and skills in the application of marketing strategies that would ensure customer satisfaction and the achievement of organizational goals. The position was challenging as one was expected to apply the needed strategies that would respond to customers’ inquiries and complaints. In retrospect, one likewise realized that working as an Arabic teacher was also a challenging role since the students were in their primary level and were therefore considered in their most crucial developmental stage. Being able to successfully motivate young students to learn by assisting in the creation of a conducive learning environment was most rewarding. Part 2 1. Tell us about a difficult situation that you have encountered and how you resolved it. A difficult situation that one remembers clearly was trying to address a customer complaint. In business, there is the philosophy that organizations strive to satisfy customer’s needs. In this particular instance, the customer was definitely not satisfied with the organization’s product that was purchased and was asking for a refund. Through the skills gained on customer service, one was able to address the
Wednesday, November 20, 2019
Salary Disparity in USA Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words
Salary Disparity in USA - Essay Example It is widely known that in the labor force of the United States, women are compensated less than men. According to the report of the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) in 1997, full-time working white women had weekly salaries equal to roughly 75% of white men’s weekly salaries (Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000). The gender disparity in salary has shrunk slightly during the recent decades. In spite of this trend of lower salaries among women, investigations of salary satisfaction have discovered that women are not less discontented with their salary than men. In line with this report, when salary grade has been regulated, women have disclosed greater salary satisfaction than men (Figart, 2000). Because it is believed that salary satisfaction rests on whether salary received is equivalent to salary expected, it means that if women have lesser salary expectations, women are contented with lesser salary. Major and Konar (1984 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000) studied probable roots of gender disparities in salary expectations undergraduate and graduate students. Similar to previous empirical findings, women had lower salary expectations. The suggested explanations for these disparities in salary expectations were that females might be different from men in job value, comparison criteria, job inputs, and career directions. In relation to career direction, women and men may choose dissimilar areas of interest in school and may pursue dissimilar industrial areas and jobs (Gasser, Oliver, & Tan, 1998). Milkovich and Newman (1996 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000) claim that men are more probable to pursue high-paying jobs and industries. Job inputs as a predictor of pay equity have been taken into account mostly from the point of view of equity theory. Although equity theory premises put emphasis on comparing a proportion of a person’s inputs and outputs to a related other, Jacques (1961 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000) claims that workers may develop salary expectations founded on job features only, and discount what other workers are performing. The empirical reports are varied. Hills (1980 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000) located no substantiation for the notion that people draw upon an internal, self-assessment to identify salary equity. Nevertheless, Berkowitz and colleagues (1987 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000) discovered that the satisfaction of respondents with their salaries was linked to what they believed they are ought to receive, irrespective of what other workers were paid. Major and Konar (1984 as cited in Keaveny & Inderrieden, 2000), in line with this argument, propos e that gender disparities in job inputs may clarify portion of the gender disparities in salary expectations. Females may have lesser job inputs and hence feel they really ought to be paid less. Adam Smith, more than two centuries ago, proposed that employees take into consideration the entirety of the disadvantages and advantages of various occupations in making choices about employment, and that a person is pulled towards those prospects that offer the highest total benefit (Gibelman, 2003). Smith stated that employers regulate salaries to correct the weaknesses and drawbacks of particular forms of employment. If an occupation is dangerous, for instance, higher salary is needed to attain a specific salary satisfaction level than when an occupation is
Sunday, November 17, 2019
My fellow thanes for Macbeths Coronation banquet Essay Example for Free
My fellow thanes for Macbeths Coronation banquet Essay My lady and I were asked to join my fellow thanes for Macbeths Coronation banquet. As we entered the cavernous hall, which had been decorated with splendid colours and banners, I noticed few people were talking. The sullen silence made the hall seem even bigger and perhaps even darker, and then, I gasped in astonishment as I noticed the feast (I do not know how I could have missed it) it was so vast it took up twenty full tables. Every imaginable food was there including much game. I had only just taken it all in when the sound of trumpets announced to the assembly the king was coming. He and his wife entered. Macbeth was dressed in fine clothes, red and gold silks and rare animal furs. Upon each finger a gold ring glittered , and of course the golden crown of the king. Lady Macbeth was also dressed in fine silks complimenting her pale cold looks perfectly, and also upon her hand rings glistened and gleamed like sun glinting off a newly forged sword. Around her neck many fine chains of gold and silver, the best that could be found. But soon things became not as they should, when my lord started seeing apparitions and things that were clearly not there. They may not have been there but the look of horror on Lord Macbeths face was enough to persuade me that he saw something others could not, and would not like to. But our Lady Macbeth reassured us and tried to explain it was a problem from childhood. But also throughout the most royal banquet our lord Macbeth disappeared and reappeared many times, he was rumored to have been seen with to shifty looking rogues. My lord and lady Macbeth were also seen to be quarreling throughout the evening, the air between them was thick with unsaid threats and promises, they were both on edge throughout the evening even though his lordship tried hard to hide it. Unfortunately we were asked to leave early as Macbeth had gone into another trance, seeing things that were not there, he talked about them too he spoke of grievances and of blood and injury but as soon as started they had finished and we were bid leave.
Friday, November 15, 2019
The Curious Incident Of The Dog In The Night Time Essay -- Mark Haddon
In Mark Haddon's contemporary novel, "The curious incident of the dog in the Night-Time", the protagonist, Christopher Boone, does seem completely unsuited to narrating a novel, as he takes on his authorial voice, thus demonstrating symptoms of his disability, 'Asperger's Syndrome.' This is a syndrome that enables him to see the world only through his limited perspective, which is closed, frightened and disorientated - which results in his fear of, and inability to understand the perplexing world of people's emotions. His description of events can be somewhat unreliable as he is unable to see the real truths that lie before him. As he narrates, readers are confronted with his peculiarities - whether it is not liking to be touched, his fear of germs, strangers and crowds to his inability to eat foods with particular colors. However, through Christopher's authorial voice, his description of events in his life, and in particular, his description of his oddities those seem completely 'no rmal' to him, make him an interesting and fascinating narrator. As he can be proven to be an unreliable narrator as he is incapable of lying (and understanding lies) and this limits his ability to perceive the full reality of the world, thus providing him with a strange combination of credibility and unbelievability. Again, this is what makes him a wonderful narrator - at times readers can mistrust his interpretation of such events, or they can believe him. As the novel progresses, Christopher takes his audience onboard his personal journey, and explicates his phobias to us, whether they be 'not liking yellow things or brown things' and 'refusing to touch yellow things or brown things', 'not eating food if different sorts of food are touching' each o... ...ic at the same time which is uncomfortable and confusing...It is like three people trying to talk to you at the same time about different things'. Christopher turns into a wonderful narrator through this device as he introduces us to a syndrome which we find alters all perspective of a person's life. Laughter, something many of us take for granted, sadly isn't really experienced by Christopher, another reason as to why readers would empathize with him, as the only enjoyment he would attain out of life would be on the notions of Mathematics and Science. Therefore, we learn to admire and empathize with him because of his intellectual brilliance and his courage, evident through his detective sleuthing he undertakes to seek his mother. We see how this syndrome alters all perspectives of a person's life; however, we also see how he faces his demons to find the truth.
Tuesday, November 12, 2019
Little Miss Sunshine Film Review Essay
Little Miss Sunshine is a film about how families are always there for each other no matter how dysfunctional their family may be. Released in July of 2006, the film is directed by a husband and wife team, Jonathan Dayton and Vanessa Faris. The directors do a terrific job of keeping their audience engaged and amused throughout the film. The main character of the movie is a young seven year old girl named Olive Hoover, played by Abigail Breslin. Olive has always had a dream of being in a beauty pageant. One day her dream came true, when she was accepted into a beauty pageant in California. Due to certain situations in the family, all family members are forced to indulge on this journey to California with Olive. Having completely different personalities, each family member creates comical conflicts between characters. From this story of family bonds, viewers will realize as long as you strive for something you truly love, your family will be behind you whether you win or lose. The fami ly of Olive has many different quirks, from drug attics to suicidal members, nothing seemed right in Olive’s mind. Richard and Sheryl are the parents of Olive. Putting together s nine step plan to success, Richard thinks he is a brilliant. His family members and others around him consider him a complete loser. Frank, Sheryl’s brother is going through depression and suicidal thoughts due to a recent break up with his former boyfriend. Being forced to live with a family member who can watch over him, Frank has to stay in Paul’s room, Olive’s brother. Paul decided that being a jet pilot for the Nietzsche is the only thing he wants in life, everything else is absolutely stupid. For over a year he hasn’t spoken one word, using pen and paper to communicate with the outside world. This dysfunctional family would begin embarking on a cross country adventure that will change their lives forever. In Little Miss Sunshine, the film helps render the themes of family bonding in a dysfunctional way. Techniques in any movie are very important for a director to produce. One technique in this film is instead of using multiple themes in the film, the dominate theme is family. In many other films, viewers are introduced not only to the main characters, but also introduced to numerous side characters. Dayton and Faris do a very good job on only giving the main characters screen time, and no other side characters. This makes the viewer truly understand how the Hoovers work and bond together since there are no outside character. The whole dynamic of the film with the color, light, language and so forth gives the film a special painting in the viewer’s head. The lighting in the film is more granny than clear, giving off a sort of odd sense while watching the movie. Who would have thought pageants could be created into such a big deal for young girls. For Olive it was. All she could think about was standing on stage receiving that beautiful crown in front of a crowd of people. From the very beginning of the movie, the first scene is of Olive watching Miss America win in the U.S. pageant and being in awe of how she reacts. Her Grandpa, Edwin is the one person in her remote family she really looks up to and knows she can always ask him anything. He has been teaching her a solo performance for the pageant in California. Unlike most mature and wise grandparents, Edwin is a very perverted druggy, causing a bit of concern to Olive’s mother and father, since he, rather than a sensible adult, was the one coming up with a solo performance for Olive. Symbols in a movie are always very important because they are the effects that catch the viewer’s eyes. One example of a symbol in Little Miss Sunshine is the forty year old yellow volks wagon the family uses on their journey to California. However, the van definitely is a perfect match for the Hoover family. It matches how the family stands out because of their strangeness. The van also brings the family together. For instance, when one family member tries to start the van he has trouble, but once the whole family works together to start the van they have no trouble. The restaurant menu is also another symbol. On the road the family stops at a restaurant to grab a quick bite. Creating a big controversy when Olive states she wants to order ice cream with her pancakes, the family says how she should not have all that food since she is going into a pageant. The menu symbolizes America’s obsession with diets and weight. The final scene of the movie shows how families are willing to do anything while standing behind a family member. Olive’s performance turned into a very provocative dance. Instead of her dad going on stage to remove Olive from the pageant, he begins to dance with her. Then the rest of the family joins them on stage. Even though Olive lost the competition and was never allowed to come back to any pageant in the state of California, she didn’t care. She had a blast performing in her first pageant and she knew her family was proud of her. In the end, Olive was the one who brought her family together. She taught them that it doesn’t matter if you win or lose, the way you look or act, family is all you need. Little Miss Sunshine depicts numerous conclusions. Stand behind your family no matter how ridiculous they may seem. Who cares about what others think about you. Maybe you don’t have the skills someone else has or the looks but as long as you try you know you are a winner in your own heart no matter the outcome. Sometimes there really is sunshine on a cloudy day. Works Cited ~ â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine.† Rich Barton, 18 Dec. 2006. Web. 2 Oct. 2012. ~ â€Å"Little Miss Sunshine.† IMDB, 2006. Web. ~ â€Å"Random House Webst’s College Dictionary†; Random House New York; 1999
Sunday, November 10, 2019
Ethics: Who Am I
Who am I? Well to answer this question you have to answer these questions first. What are my shortcomings, do I have any vices I’d like to eliminate, why is it hard and what’s stopping me, what are my favorite activities, and a few others. But the one I’m going to focus on is â€Å"What are my qualities and strengths? †because this question helped me figure out what I’m going to do for a living. What are my qualities and strengths? I have many strengths like the ability to work on cars, carpentry, art, and mathematics. But my biggest strength is in mathematics. I’ve always been at the top of my math class throughout my schooling career. Every time m teacher would put a problem on the board, I’d have it done in a split second. I never felt I was challenged until the middle of my junior year of high school. I was taking Algebra 2 and we were starting to go more in-depth into x and y-intercepts. This concept boggled my mind for a lot longer than it had taken to go over and to tell you the truth I still don’t get all of it but I knew enough of it to get by. There was always one thing that I’ve wondered about my strength in mathematics, though. Where did I get this skill from? Nobody in my family is or ever was this good at math like I am. To this day I don’t where it came from but I guess that’s one of my own wonders of the world. Why am I? This question would be difficult for someone to answer if all they thought about was there profession in the future and not what they want to achieve in there life. To answer this question you have to have thought about what you want to achieve in life then you can’t answer this question. A lot of people think about what they want to achieve in life but most of everyone always ponder it in the sense of there career. That’s a good way to think about it but that doesn’t give you purpose in life. I’m not going to lie a lot of the things I ant to achieve in life are career related, but there are a few things that are personal goals I’m going to strive to achieve. One of these achievements is to have a great family and raise children that will have a love of learning, not just in schooling because not all kids like school but in whatever they love to do, a hunger for success, be great citizens of the United States, and know how to be a respectful adult, which is one thing I think a lot of the youth in my generation lack. I think these traits are extremely important for young people to have because these traits are what I think make up a great person and this world definitely needs more people that are respectful, knowledgeable, well-mannered; just an all around good person. Well this is just a little on â€Å"Who I am†in the sense of my strengths and qualities and â€Å"Why I am†in the sense of my purpose in life.
Friday, November 8, 2019
buy custom A Pharmacy Career essay
buy custom A Pharmacy Career essay Career research refers to the process whereby an individual gathers more information relating to the career he intends to get into. Individuals are getting more concerned about the careers they wish to pursue thus hence increasing need to learn about careers and get in depth knowledge concerning them. Through career research, an individual is able to measure his abilities and interests in relation the career he wishes to pursue (Labor, 2011). In addition, career research has led to the emergence of career professionals who specialize in advising individuals on matters relating to careers and wise career choice. Career research is vital because it gives an individual adequate information relating to a particular career. This means an individual is able to take the correct subject combination and have an over view about the benefits of the career. Pharmacy is a career that involves making medical prescriptions to individuals. This essay explicates a career research based on Pharmacy. Pharmacists are individuals who give medical prescriptions to others. They ensure that individuals get the best information on the usage of the drugs especially those sold over the counter. Pharmacists are instrumental advising patients on matters relating to the usage of drugs. These individuals advise doctors on matters relating to medical therapy to ensure that they administer the correct medication to their patients (Cullar Ginsburg, 2009). In addition, they advise patients on the best and healthy living. They ensure that individuals get the required exercises, manage stress, and acquire a better feeding habit as they take their medicine. They assist in completing third party insurance forms and other paper work needed. Pharmacists could be either community based or be employed in various health facilities. Community based Pharmacists are those who are self employed and run their own facilities. They are instrumental in offering medical prescriptions to the immediate community. They sell their medications over the counter and advice physicians at the community level on matters relating to medical therapy (Shargel, Mutnick, Souney, Swanson, 2009). They could employ assistants to assist them with their running of their pharmacies as they offer crucial advice to their clients on various matters. Those employed in health facilities offer critical advice to the medical staff on matters relating to the selection and the effect of drugs. In addition, they plan, monitor, and evaluate the drug structure in these facilities. They store their patients information in computers to ensure that the records are easily retrieved when needed for prescription purposes. This is a career with wide opportunities in the job market. A Pharmacist could be employed by a medical manufacture, to offer the required research on the ingredients contained in various drugs. They could also be employed in colleges, and other institutions of higher learning to teach those aspiring to get into the field (University, 2003). Lastly, they could be employed in health insurance firms where they are required to estimate the cost benefit analysis on various drugs. Pharmacy is an interesting ield as it involves direct interactions between the individual and the rest of society. The working environment for a pharmacist must be clean to avoid any risks of contamination of the drugs. Pharmacists are busy individuals and may be required to serve the community the entire day because health emergencies are unpredictable. One could achieve this career by developing an interest in subjects such as Mathematics, natural sciences such as Chemistry and Physics (University, 2003). In addition, one should have background knowledge in humanities and social sciences. This is the first step for one to achieve the career. The individual must consider his abilities in these subjects and should march them with his interests. Pharmacy involves many calculations thus making Mathematics one of the vital subjects for one to achieve this coveted career. The love for Chemistry and the other natural sciences would also be instrumental for one to achieve the career. One needs to know the correct measures of substances as applied in Chemistry. This will form a stepping- stone for him to get into the career and ultimately achieve it. One needs to score the best grades in all the subjects required, as this will enable him get a chance to be accommodated in the institutions offering training in the field. For a person to be t aken into the training institution, one must complete at least the two years of specific professional study in these particular subjects. Emphasis is put on the academic merit that one achieves in the course. Posting excellent results would give one an opportunity of achieving this dream career. One could achieve the career by scoring well in areas relating to the interaction with others in the society. This is achieved through the social sciences studied before getting into a professional pharmacy school (Statistics., 2011). A person should have interest in dealing with people and should have compassion dealing with individuals exposed to various conditions. An individual should have a positive mind when dealing with others. One should then make an application to the credible institutions that offer the pharmacy course. A credible institution will ensure that one achieves the best in the career and is trained using the best practices to achieve this career dream. It will also make sure that one is accepted in the market place as a qualified pharmacist. The career could be achieved by generally being excellent and giving out the best results in the required subjects that are vital in this area of study. The education that is involved at reaching the career goals is enormous. Individuals need a serious training and must undergo the necessary and required educational stage that will ultimately facilitate the achievement of their career goals. The career goals refer to the acquisition of the necessary skills that are vital in helping the entire community. One needs to take two-year compulsory training in Mathematics, natural sciences, humanities and social sciences. This initial training is vital because it sets a stepping stone for one to join the actual field of pharmacy (Shargel, Mutnick, Souney, Swanson, 2009). The skills acquired at this pre-university stage are vital because they help the individual, have background infformation on the actual requirements of the career. The pre-university level equips the individual with vital knowledge for attaining the pharmacy career goal. One is able to learn how to interact with others in the society. In addition, one is equipped with the i nitial skills that would help him start serving the community at an earlier stage into the career. The two years are a vital requirement because they generally give the individual a head start. After the successful completion of the two years of specific professional study, one is required to apply for training in a credible college or a pharmacy school. This is where the individual would acquire the necessary training and skills required in the pharmacy career. This is the stage where one is expected to graduate with a Doctor of Pharmacy degree, abbreviated as Pharm. D. This is the proof that one actually attended the training and has acquired the necessary skills and knowledge to practice as a pharmacist (Cullar Ginsburg, 2009). The degree program takes four years to complete. One must undergo the thorough for this maximum period to be assured of getting into the job market and ultimately achieving the career goals desired such as handsome pay and better service to people. One can advance to the residency programs that take one or two years. At this stage, the post-graduate pharmacists are required to come up with a research paper. Some pharmacists who run their own pharmacies can further pursue a degree in a business related field such as Bachelor of Business Administration (Labor, 2011). This will make sure that apart from offering pharmaceutical services; they could also manage their business in an organized manner and ultimately achieve their career goals. These academic stages will help in placing pharmacists in the market where they are able to achieve their various goals such as delivering the best services to people and earning the best salaries as one advances. In conclusion, career research is a vital exercise that involves learning more about a given career field. One is then able to get information regarding a particular career before making a choice to get into pharmacy. Pharmacists are experts who give individuals prescriptions regarding various drugs. They are individuals trained in the medical fields and could even offer physicians vital advice regarding medical advice. Pharmacists could employ themselves as community-based experts or could be employed as to work in health facilities. The pharmacists in all these areas offer vital individuals in their areas of work. For one to achieve the pharmacy career, he must have a passion and love for Mathematics, natural sciences such as Chemistry and Physics, humanities, and social sciences. This acts as a stepping -stone for achieving the dream of getting into the pharmacy field. Without these requirements, an individual will not achieve the career due to lack of the necessary requirements. One could achieve the goals of the career through undergoing thorough education and training. One needs to train in a credible college or pharmacy school and achieve a Doctor of Pharmacy degree. Pharmacists could also advance into the post-graduate level thus increasing the achievement of the goals. Buy custom A Pharmacy Career essay
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
The Slave Boy Experiment in Platos Meno
The Slave Boy Experiment in Plato's 'Meno' One of the most famous passages in all of Platos works- indeed, in all of philosophy- occurs in the middle of the Meno. Meno asks Socrates if he can prove the truth of his strange claim that all learning is recollection (a claim that Socrates connects to the idea of reincarnation). Socrates responds by calling over a slave boy and, after establishing that he has had no mathematical training, setting him a geometry problem. The Geometry Problem The boy is asked how to double the area of a square. His confident first answer is that you achieve this by doubling the length of the sides. Socrates shows him that this, in fact, creates a square four times larger than the original. The boy then suggests extending the sides by half their length. Socrates points out that this would turn a 2x2 square (area 4) into a 3x3 square (area 9). At this point, the boy gives up and declares himself at a loss. Socrates then guides him by means of simple step-by-step questions to the correct answer, which is to use the diagonal of the original square as the base for the new square. The Soul Immortal According to Socrates, the boys ability to reach the truth and recognize it as such proves that he already had this knowledge within him; the questions he was asked simply stirred it up, making it easier for him to recollect it. He argues, further, that since the boy didnt acquire such knowledge in this life, he must have acquired it at some earlier time; in fact, Socrates says, he must have always known it, which indicates that the soul is immortal. Moreover, what has been shown for geometry also holds for every other branch of knowledge: the soul, in some sense, already possesses the truth about all things. Some of Socrates inferences here are clearly a bit of a stretch. Why should we believe that an innate ability to reason mathematically implies that the soul is immortal? Or that we already possess within us empirical knowledge about such things as the theory of evolution, or the history of Greece? Socrates himself, in fact, acknowledges that he cant be certain about some of his conclusions. Nevertheless, he evidently believes that the demonstration with the slave boy proves something. But does it? And if so, what? One view is that the passage proves that we have innate ideas- a kind of knowledge we are quite literally born with. This doctrine is one of the most disputed in the history of philosophy. Descartes, who was clearly influenced by Plato, defended it. He argues, for instance, that God imprints an idea of Himself on each mind that he creates. Since every human being possesses this idea, faith in God is available to all. And because the idea of God is the idea of an infinitely perfect being, it makes possible other knowledge which depends on the notions of infinity and perfection, notions that we could never arrive at from experience. The doctrine of innate ideas is closely associated with the rationalist philosophies of thinkers like Descartes and Leibniz. It was fiercely attacked by John Locke, the first of the major British empiricists. Book One of Lockes Essay on Human Understanding is a famous polemic against the whole doctrine. According to Locke, the mind at birth is a tabula rasa, a blank slate. Everything we eventually know is learned from experience. Since the 17th century (when Descartes and Locke produced their works), the empiricist skepticism regarding innate ideas has generally had the upper hand. Nevertheless, a version of the doctrine was revived by the linguist Noam Chomsky. Chomsky was struck by the remarkable achievement of every child in learning language. Within three years, most children have mastered their native language to such an extent that they can produce an unlimited number of original sentences. This ability goes far beyond what they can have learned simply by listening to what others say: the output exceeds the input. Chomsky argues that what makes this possible is an innate capacity for learning language, a capacity that involves intuitively recognizing what he calls the universal grammar- the deep structure- that all human languages share. A Priori Although the specific doctrine of innate knowledge presented in the Meno finds few takers today, the more general view that we know some things a priori- i.e. prior to experience- is still widely held. Mathematics, in particular, is thought to exemplify this sort of knowledge. We dont arrive at theorems in geometry or arithmetic by conducting empirical research; we establish truths of this sort simply by reasoning. Socrates may prove his theorem using a diagram drawn with a stick in the dirt but we understand immediately that the theorem is necessarily and universally true. It applies to all squares, regardless of how big they are, what they are made of, when they exist, or where they exist. Many readers complain that the boy does not really discover how to double the area of a square himself: Socrates guides him to the answer with leading questions. This is true. The boy would probably not have arrived at the answer by himself. But this objection misses the deeper point of the demonstration: the boy is not simply learning a formula that he then repeats without real understanding (the way most of us are doing when we say something like, e mc squared). When he agrees that a certain proposition is true or an inference is valid, he does so because he grasps the truth of the matter for himself. In principle, therefore, he could discover the theorem in question, and many others, just by thinking very hard. And so could we all!
Sunday, November 3, 2019
Critique a professional nursing organization Assignment
Critique a professional nursing organization - Assignment Example For the association to succeed in the current internet driven market the organization is imperative to have a dynamic website aimed at efficient and quick service of the members. The website for this association is designed to meet the client partners’ requirements and works continuously, thus optimizing the sites for the new trends and the emerging technologies like the responsive design. Such a website ensures the consistency with the mobile-focused approach to the technology. The entire team of the professionals has experience in the web site cycle where the department collaborates with the partners to create, maintain as well as market the site. Both members and the customers’ empowerment is done through a strong self-service opportunity, which connects to the database of the association in an attempt to offer real-time updates, and the pricing information. It also ensures the members remain engaged in the advanced social networking. The department in charge makes use of the advanced content management system, which mainly separates the content from the design that simplifies the process of adding new content and incorporates additional ele ments into the
Friday, November 1, 2019
Government is a Trust Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Government is a Trust - Essay Example These needs can be very different. People depend on the government to provide a good infrastructure such as roads, bridges, and utilities. They also depend on the government to provide a good and stable economy that can provide jobs and housing. Education is an important need that the government helps to fulfill, and the judicial system establishes laws to protect the people. These things are provided for the whole of the people, not just groups or individuals. But the government also provides needs to groups and individuals. Elderly people in the United States depend on the government for Social Security and Medicare to help them survive their senior years. The poor rely on the government to assist them with money, food, and housing when needed so that they too can live. The trustees of the government are those who are elected by the people. They are endowed with a very important responsibility because their mission is to take the money and services that the Trust contains and be sure that it is distributed properly so that it does indeed benefit all the people who need it. These trustees also have the responsibility of appointing people in the judicial branch of the government, who will make decisions that affect the lives of the people. But beyond providing tangible needs for the people, the government and its trustees must also provide intangible elements such as tru
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