Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Supporting The Original Victim After A Wrongful Conviction...
Supporting the Original Victim After a Wrongful Conviction Decision Continual support to victims of crime is a necessary service in any just society; this support is especially needed in the event that a convicted offender is exonerated. In the United States when a crime is committed the state, not the victim, owns and prosecutes the case so historically the victims’ rights have been neglected. In the modern era victims’ rights are being improved during the trial and sentencing phases of the criminal justice process; however in the event of an exoneration the victim is routinely revictimized and this problem needs to be corrected. In the American criminal justice system wrongful convictions are not common; a study funded by the National Institute of Justice found that nationally 265 wrongful major crimes convictions occurred from 2004 to 2010, the yearly total of exonerations has remained relatively steady ranging from 35 to 54 per year (Irazola, Williamson, Stricker, Niedzwiecki. 2013, p 20). Compared to the hundreds of thousands of major crimes convictions that take place every year this is a small number; however wrongful convictions do take place, and when they do the original victim of a crime does not receive adequate support. The victim is often racked by guilt over having contributed to the incarceration of an innocent person. One crime victim participated in the NIJ study, but whose identity was withheld, said â€Å"I was a mess. 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